What To Expect When You're Providing: Video Feedback!
Update, 5/23: We’ve updated our video process! If you’re used to the previous workflow, please read on and refresh yourself. In an effort to speed up the review and delivery process, we’re getting closer to a finished product before ever sending it for review.
Reviewing videos and providing feedback can be confusing. We’re here to streamline the process.
Aspire is a creative agency here in Christiansburg, Virginia. We’re constantly sending videos for review and receiving feedback on them with our customers, near and far. The first few times, that process can be daunting. Today, we wanted to guide you through that process.
The basic rules here are simple:
Please provide ALL feedback using the Frame.io comment tool. Emails, calls, and texts get lost, sent to spam, or overlooked. Our process puts all Frame.io comments front-and-center for our editing team.
Provide your feedback in a kind, concise manner with positive outcomes in mind. The goal is constructive, helpful feedback each time. Our process is built to make this as easy and efficient as possible. If we’ve overlooked something, just let us know! Mistakes happen and we’re all human!
There are no stupid questions! If you’re unsure about something, whether it’s in a video or about this process in general, we encourage you to ask. We understand that this is new and intimidating to many people.
What are the steps?
After we film and edit, you’ll receive a review link in an email that sends you to Frame.io. This is a site that is dedicated to video review and feedback. It’s the industry standard and integrates nicely with our editing software, Adobe Premiere Pro.
When you click the link you’ll see a video player that looks a lot like what you’re used to on YouTube. The main difference is that you’ll be able to pause the video and leave comments for us, so we can see exactly what you’re talking about.
In real-time, we see those comments, both on Frame.io and on our company Slack channel. If we’re cranking something out for a fast turnaround, you might see our editors jump into action then with follow-up questions. Otherwise, just leave your comment and we’ll use that for our revision.
DO NOT provide feedback outside of Frame.io so that we ensure our entire team sees each comment and can take action!
When we’ve made our revisions, we’ll upload a new copy of that video and send you another email with a new link.
Two Revisions – What should I look for in the first round?
Most of our video projects are set up so that each video goes through one internal round and two external rounds with our clients:
On round one, we want to make sure you’re happy with the Product.
Do you like it? How does the music sound? Would you like any particular clips or interviews cut? If you don’t like the music we chose at this point, for example, we don’t want to let that linger. If we don’t receive feedback like that until the end, there will be production delays and added cost–which nobody wants!
When you see a first round video, some things are going to seem a little off:
Colors are close but not quite finalized.
On the first round of review, we’ve applied initial corrections but haven’t fully dialed in each shot so it looks perfect together. If something looks off, feel free to leave a comment in Frame.io–but don’t worry!
Ungraded files look flat and gray—we process them extensively to get to a final product! If we’re working on a tight deadline, we want to show you the substance of your video. We dial everything in before round two.
Our goal is to have color grading 90% complete for round one. Since we might still add or remove a few clips, we save a few final steps for the end.
Motion graphics aren’t complete.
Just like on a website project, you’ll see filler text and placeholders for motion-graphics. If we’ve contracted for a voiceover, you might see a note on that if we haven’t received it from the artist. Projects, especially larger ones with a lot of people on the team, tend to be like this. You’ll review these either separately or as part of the second and final round.
Sound editing isn’t polished.
Just like color, we go through at the end and really make sure that the audio is perfectly dialed in. When we move between music, sound effects, and interviews on this first round, we’re 90% there on round one.
First round, we hope to be 90% finished, so that you see the direction and vision we’re going for. This is the perfect time to provide your feedback before we complete the final steps and deliver a product that’s ready to publish!
After you leave your initial comments, letting us know if you like the music and what clips you want to swap out, it’s time for round two.
Round two, it’s go time! Details abound:
When we deliver round two, the video should feel complete. It should be down to little things now, almost ready for us to send you final files and get going on distribution!
When you watch a second round video, we recommend turning the video quality to at least 1080p on Frame.io and using good headphones or speakers to review. Feel free to show the video to a couple other people at this point. We want this to be “the one” for you.
Always view videos on a big display at a high quality. When details matter, you’ll be able to pick out small issues more easily.
Pick everything apart. Details are everything!
If something isn’t working for you, now’s the time to comment. This second round should look like a finished product. Sound, color, interviews, all of it should be on-point here.
Be specific.
The first round of edits should have fixed everything major. We’re down to minor details now–so if something seems off, be specific. Our goal here is to provide a final product right after this round so you can hit your deadlines and start putting your video out into the world.
Remember: provide any feedback using the comment tool on Frame.io. We’re likely working against a deadline at this point and communication is key!
Spelling, voiceovers, everything should be absolutely impeccable
At this point, you should feel fully comfortable with the product. If something feels off here, speak up! If we don’t remedy any issues at this point, we’re going to end up behind schedule.
Final Files! Time to show the world.
After we go through two rounds of edits and make any small, last minute changes. It’s time to debut! At this point, you should feel like you’re receiving a product that is your vision brought to life.
We’ll give you files, thumbnails, caption files, and whatever else you need. Either we’ll be doing uploads for you or providing files via Google Drive, Dropbox, or physical storage. We have a checklist here that helps us make sure you have everything you could possibly need.
We maintain a backup of all finalized projects and a limited amount of archived footage as well, but always keep a backup on your own!
If you need something on this project from here, just get in touch. We can always provide you with a quote to iterate on a project. Perhaps you want a version for a different platform or something shorter to show as a commercial spot. We’re well-versed in all of that, so don’t hesitate! We’re obsessed with video here and want to show all that a small creative shop is capable of.
Have questions? Get in touch with Aspire today.